Member-only story
Ask For This Not That. Attract Your Deepest Loftiest Dreams And Make Them Come True.
It’s The Opposite Of What You Think
Ask not for a car, ask for enthusiasm.
Instead of wanting more money, ask for energy. Ask to receive a stronger vibrational current of belief in yourself.
Trust in life’s natural abundance. See the Lilies of the Field instead of the lack in your bank account.
Mathew 6:24–35, “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”
The way you manifest the desires of your heart, or your needs — or your future visions — is to raise your energy. This is completely natural. This is the way you operate in this three-dimensional reality.
The real you — is on the inside, a higher version of yourself. Attach yourself to this Greater Mind, and go inward more frequently. Your feelings will change.
Stop looking at the outside and assuming that is all there is. An infinite number of possible scenarios is waiting to reveal itself to your life experience.
It might not look that way just now, but learn to trust yourself. There is another way of looking at your life and when you go…