The 7 Step Formula
When Oprah interviewed Esther Hicks a couple of years ago, the discussion centered around how our greatest desires and wildest hopes and dreams are stored for us in the energy field that surrounds us. This is an invisible field and can be considered a different frequency.
We can reach a different frequency as we offer the vibration of a new mindset and in the process, we transform our lives. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2.
It behooves us to think good thoughts, and to believe in ourselves because we’re going to store them into this field of energy whether we like the thoughts or not.
If you’re unfamiliar with Esther Hicks, she and her late husband, Jerry, have written several best selling books on the subject of the law of attraction, and she channels wisdom and guidance from the spirit guides called Abraham. This is a highly intelligent, often profound discussion on what each of us can access through our intuition in the form of inspiration. It sounds weird because we don’t understand it and anything new and different can seem strange. Yet, this knowledge of ourselves at a deep level is spiritual and it is who and what we are — energy. Our feelings and emotions are energy. Our thoughts that support us or sabotage us are…